Natural Hair 101- Maintain Length of hair.

Natural Hair 101- Maintain Length of hair.

Hi, Beautiful Naturals it's important to obtain a lot of moisture to maintain length of hair. A lot of women are mislead by thinking adding tons of water to the hair daily will maintain length of hair. Certainly, water will grow the hair but if you are not adding moisture and oil to it believe me your hair will experience dryness and breakage overtime. I have spoken to a lot of naturals and they feel water is the main solution to curly texture. I feel the same way because watering the hair is like growing a plant which will impact the quality, length, and moisture in the hair. If you don't have a water filter, you certainly don't want to add water to your hair daily due to harsh pollutants found in water. The natural hair community already is aware of the "LOC" Liquid, Oil, Crème Method or "LCO" Method. I know if you certainly follow a regular routine and be consistent using one of these methods you will save your length and see better results of curly locks. As always leave a comment and let Our Beautiful Naturals know how you maintain your hair length. A rule of thumb is to try many techniques until you discover the one that works better for your hair. XOXO


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